Our church is equipped with a hearing induction loop for the benefit of those with hearing aids that are fitted with a "T" switch/coil. When a hearing aid is switched to this setting, users will be able to hear our entire service at an appropriate volume through their hearing aid. 

You can access our loop by sitting anywhere under the balcony, or in the front sections of the balcony. The signal will be clearer under the balcony due to where the loop is installed.

If you are unsure whether your hearing aid is compatible with this technology, ask your audiologist if:

  1. Your hearing aid has a t-coil setting
  2. Your hearing aid can be connected to a hearing loop
  3. Whether you need a remote/streamer to access this setting

In many cases, it is a setting that they can easily adjust on your hearing aid. For older hearing aids, they may be able to retrofit this option for you.

If you are using our loop system and are still having a hard time hearing specific things or have any feedback regarding it, please contact Marcus: marcus@mcachurch.ca