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"You make a living by what you get, but make a life by what you give."  These words, often attributed to Winston Churchill, ring our our hearts.  We make a life by what we give.  Jesus did, more than we can ever imagine.  

At MCA we desire to be people who ask "what can we give?" not "what can we get?"

We desire that God would use our offering to make the life-giving gospel of Jesus real to people in Kelowna and beyond.  That our sacrifice would be part of God's mission to restore our city in Jesus' name.  We invite you partner with us in becoming the church in every sense of the word.

It is now easier than ever to give to the mission and vision of MCA Church, including event registrations, refugee programs and Lighthouse Communities.

Setup recurring giving or a one-time gift! Simply click the "give" button below or download the app by clicking here and search for "Mission Creek Alliance Church."