What are they? 

  • Formation experiences provide the opportunity to focus on a specific aspect of our journey with Jesus- “walk with Him, become like Him, join in what He is doing.” 

How are they offered?

  • Each formation experience is interactive, inspirational, and intensive. The group time provides teaching and hands on application. 
  • We offer an average of 3 to 4 formation experiences during September through May. 
  • All the tracks complement each other- you can jump in anytime you can. There will be 10-12 different formation experiences over the next three years. 


Live on Mission:  How to join Jesus in what He is doing in the people we meet everyday!

  • Spheres of influence!  We all have people in our lives that we influence.  Come discover a new chapter of what it means to walk along side of our friends who are not yet followers of Jesus- and join in what God is doing in their lives.
  • May 2, 9, 16, 23 - Thursdays 7 to 9 pm@ MCA